
Top 10 Import Items in 2017

(Unit : $ million)

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No. Items Amount Proportion No. Items Amount Proportion
1 Soft Contact Lens(daily-wear) 151.9 3.7 6 Disposable Dialyser 88.8 2.1
2 CT system 99.2 2.4 7 IVD Reagents for clinical
76.1 1.8
3 MRI system 98.2 2.4 8 Electrosurgical system electrode 70.9 1.7
4 Coronary Artery Stent 92.4 2.2 9 Knee Prosthesis 68.1 1.6
5 Multifocal intraocular lens 89.7 2.2 10 Sight Corrective ophthalmiclens 61.5 1.5
